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The Y-DNA was processed for a descendant of William Hill, Sr., a descendant of Thomas Hill, Sr. and two descendants of John Hill, Sr., supposed son of William Hill, Sr. James Dwight Hill is the fourth great grandson of William Hill, Sr. and is kit #594345 on the chart below. David Stephen Hill is the fourth great grandson of Thomas Hill, Sr. and is kit #594355 on the chart below. So, these two candidates are in the same generation of descendants.

George Alan Hill is the fourth great grandson of John Hill, Sr. and is kit #710306 on the chart below. James Doyle Hill is the fourth great grandson of John Hill, Sr. and is kit #710415 on the chart below. So, these two candidates are in the same generation of descendants for John Hill, Sr., supposed son of William Hill, Sr.

Looking at the chart for James Dwight Hill and David Stephen Hill, we note that they are shaded in a beige color background. They are a genetic distance of 4 markers. According to the descriptions filed on, a relationship of 3 or 4 marker are related. Their description on-line is as follows:

A 63/67 or 64/67 match between two men who share the same surname (or a variant) means that they are likely to share a common ancestor within the genealogical time frame. The common ancestor is probably not extremely recent but is likely within the range of most well-established surname lineages in Western Europe.

James Dwight Hill and David Stephen Hill represent seven generations from their ancestors William Hill, Sr. and Thomas Hill, Sr. According to the familysearchdna description, they are certainly related. The Y-DNA does not prove that William Hill, Sr. and Thomas Hill, Sr. were brothers; they could be first [or second] cousins. However, their living in Wake County, NC in the same time frame and marrying sisters [daughters of Thomas Cope], there seems to be strong evidence that they are probably brothers.

There's one other piece of information that comes from their Y-DNA that is extremely important. One of the purposes in doing this research was to prove, or disprove, whether the two sons William Hill and Thomas Hill of Sion Hill, Sr. (who wrote his will in 1780 in Wake County, NC and named sons William and Thomas) were the same William and Thomas who married the Cope sisters. The Y-DNA for Sion Hill, Sr. has been proved in Group 5 on the site. Specifically, this researcher did the research for descendants of a grandson of Sion Hill, Sr. That grandson was named Green Hill and was noted in the last will and testament of Sion Hill, Sr.; he lived in Wake County, NC and moved to Maury County, TN around 1816. He was born May 1770 and died before the August term of Court 1834, Madison County, TN. The Y-DNA was done by an alias Joseph Green Hill who was the fifth great grandson of Green Hill. His Y-DNA is displayed in the first line of each grouping on the chart below. He is either 15 or 16 genetic marker distances from James Dwight Hill and/or David Stephen Hill, depending on which you compare with. Those genetic marker distances are highlighted simply on the Joseph Green Hill line in green. With that many genetic marker differences, then William and Thomas Hill who married the Cope sisters are not descended from Sion Hill, Sr. in Wake County, NC. In this case, Y-DNA does prove they are NOT related. Thus, the major research purpose of this book has been proved by tracing ancestors, processing Y-DNA, and comparing the results.

The third piece of information coming from the Y-DNA analysis deals with the descendants George Alan Hill and James Doyle Hill. Between them, they are only three genetic distances from each other. The research in this eBook proves that they are directly descended from John Hill, Sr.; it's just that some of their markers have mutated through time. That is not uncommon. The markers where they differ are highlighted in yellow on the chart below.

It was expected that with the research "proving" that John Hill, Sr. was a son of William Hill, Sr. that their Y-DNA would match up with William Hill, Sr. It does not. With absolute solid proof that George Alan Hill is a son of John Hill, Sr. and James Dwight Hill is a son of William Hill, Sr., the difference in markers has been noted with a brown background on George Alan Hill's line. Careful, several of those boxes have two markers in them. When you count the differences, there are 17 genetic marker distances between them. Though not hightlighted, as the chart is getting hard enough to read, James Doyle Hill has almost the same identical mismatches with James Dwight Hill as does George Alan Hill. Therefore, Y-DNA, in this case, proves that John Hill, Sr. is NOT a biological son of William Hill, Sr.


DNA Analysis Hill Overton-1

DNA Anaylsis Hill Overton-2

If you would like to download a PDF file of this DNA Analysis, please right-click on the link below.

DNA Analysis of the Hill Families of Overton County, TN (PDF File)



The DNA for Joseph Green Hill [alias for the DNA participant] and descendant of Green Hill who married Matilda Turner has been received. The eBook is listed below and will be available in the next several days with the addition of the DNA information. The simple answer is, "Yes", the DNA for Joseph Green Hill is in Group 5 on the website - exactly where it is supposed to be. That means that this DNA is representative of the DNA for Sion Hill who married Sarah Brown and solidifies the "Sion Hill Cluster" of DNA on Group 5. Buy the eBook and read all about it when the link says it is available. Also, the DNA should show very soon on the web site. Below is a picture of the certificate for the Y-DNA of Joseph Green Hill if you wish to compare the 67 markers with those of Group 5.

Joseph Green Hill Y-DNA

One of the things that has bothered this researcher for years is the fact that many other so-called researchers or maybe just genealogists try to link the Sion Hill who died in Wake County, NC in 1780 as the Sion Hill, son of Robert and Tabitha Hill. My eBooks have tried to prove with available research that it just isn't true. The "Let's Get This One Right" subtitle was meant to say exactly what it does. Let's fix this problem for once and for all. Now, another eBook on my website titled "Immigrant Robert Hill to Green Hill and Matilda Turner..." explains in great detail who the parents of Sion Hill/1780 in Wake County, NC are and where he came from. Also, an ancestor of Green Hill, grandson of Sion Hill/1780, submitted his DNA for analysis and it proves the research data is correct. Since this is the DNA of Green Hill, grandson of Sion, then it is the DNA of Sion Hill/1780 as well.

Various members of Group 8 on the site have tried to prove their lineage back to the immigrants Robert and Mary Hill. But, Group 8 just does not have the physical evidence in hand to prove the connection and the DNA is greatly off. To show the differences in the DNA, the following is a table of two 67 marker tests and four 37 marker test within participants in Group 8. They are compared with Kit # 503853 (submitted by alias Joseph Green Hill) who is in Group 5. Here are the results that you can verify for yourself by looking at the marker numbers.

  1. Kit # 282513 has 26 of the 67 markers not agreeing by one digit or more.
  2. Kit # 107017 has 24 of the 67 markers not agreeing by one digit or more.
  3. Kit # 4048 has 16 of the 37 markers not agreeing by one digit or more.
  4. Kit # 105437 has 16 of the 37 markers not agreeing by one digit or more.
  5. Kit # 162478 has 17 of the 37 markers not agreeing by one digit or more.
  6. Kit # 218594 has 16 of the 37 markers not agreeing by one digit or more.

These kinds of differences in the markers mean that members of Group 8 and Group 5 do not share a common ancestor. That's why they are in different groups. The markers within the six participant kits all in Group 8 are very consistent with each other. They just don't connect back to immigrants Robert and Mary Hill. The research is solid; the DNA supports the research. That makes for a closed case.

Group 8 vs Group 5

Group 8 Vs Group 5-2


Much to the excitement of this researcher, the DNA for William James Hill, III was posted by on 2 December 2016. As expected, the markers match eight of the participants in Group 8 on the website at the 37 marker test. They match up very high at the 67 marker test. The following is the DNA certificate for William James Hill, III showing his markers.

William James Hill Certificate

The following two charts show the individual markers for William James Hill noted in the green color matched up to six of the participants in Group 8. By a quick check, you'll note many of the markers are identical at the 37 marker grouping and there are only two markers different with George H. Stevens and two markers different with Carrie Hill Lillard at the 67 marker results.
William James Hill obviously shares a common ancestor with these individuals in Group 8 and that ancestor is Robert Hill with his wife Tabitha. This is more definitive proof that Sion Hill, son of Robert and Tabitha Hill is NOT the Sion Hill who died in 1780 in Wake County, NC with his last will and testament. We have now "got this one right - finally." If only we can share this data with the many people on and other web sites who have Sion Hill, son of Robert and Tabitha assigned to the wrong lineage.

William James Hill DNA-1

William James Hill DNA-2

Modified October 2024